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👋 Hello! my name is


A Full-Stack Web Developer

I'm passionate in Full-Stack Web Developer with a love for crafting beautiful and functional web experiences.

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Who am I?

Fathur profile picture

Over the years, I've honed my skills in a wide range of Full-Stack Development. My goal is to make the digital world more visually appealing and user-friendly. In addition to my hands-on experience in development, my education has also played a critical role in providing a strong foundation for my career.

Here is my educational background.

Bachelor of Science in Informatics Engineering

University of Technology Yogyakarta | 2023
  • Studied programming, software development, mobile applications development.
  • Studied theory of algorithms and complexity, science, and math.

Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) - Word 2019 Associate

Education and Training Center UTY | 2022

    Full-Stack Engineer Career Path

    Codecademy | 2023
    • Web Development Foundations
    • Building Interactive Websites
    • Full-Stack Development
    • Back-End Development

    Featured Projects

    Here are some of my projects you shouldn't misss
    Mebel Pepak

    Mebel Pepak

    An e-commerce B2C web application where users can browse various furniture products, and make a payment using bank transfer.

    • Laravel
    • TailwindCSS
    Lakubo App

    Lakubo - Lapak UMKM Boyolali

    An e-commerce B2C/C2C for local MSMEs in Boyolali's Regencies web application where users can browse various MSMEs products.

    • Laravel
    • TailwindCSS
    • Midtrans API
    • RajaOngkir API
    Other projects can be explored in my github profile


    I write blog posts about what I've done and what I'm doing as a documenting practice. Here are some of my recent blog posts.


    Let's be awesome together!

    As a dev, I am driven by my love for coding and my desire for new challenges. If you have opportunities for collaboration or want to build something amazing, don't hesitate to contact me!

    Get in touch!